Foxy Foxtrot

9th April 2020

Foxy Foxtrot - April 2020

It was a warm spring day for my photo shoot this week, which took place in my own garden, where there were quite a few treats to photograph.

The recent warm weather had encouraged quite a few new plants to begin flowering, and my favourite was this Tulip (Tulipa), variety 'Foxy Foxtrot'. I've no idea why it's named as such, but it certainly brings some welcome colour onto the patio.

Copper Image - April 2020

This was the week the Tulips really took off, and another variety, 'Copper Image', was getting ready to open.

Yellow Tulip - April 2020

There were also a few more generic varieties beginning to put on a wonderful display, including this yellow one...

Red Tulip - April 2020

...and this red one.

Glory of the Snow - April 2020

I was very pleased to see the return of my little patch of Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa) blooms. Over the years I must have planted hundreds of these bulbs, but have only ever had a patch of about half a dozen ever flower.

White Grape Hyacinth - April 2020

The White Grape Hyacinths (Muscari botryoides album) were putting on a much better display than they had in previous years. Maybe they get better with age?

Red Camellia - April 2020

The red Camellia bush, as usual, was flowering much later than the pink one in my dad's garden, and had plenty of buds to keep going until the end of the month.

Clematis Montana - April 2020

I was quite surprised to see a few flowers on the Clematis 'Montana', as they seemed much earlier than in other years.

African Daisy - April 2020

The African Daisy (Osteospermum) plants continued to produce plenty of flowers, and were another plant that seemed to be producing blooms earlier in the year than was usual.

Horsetail Strobilus - April 2020

Unfortunately, it was that time of the year when Horsetail Grass (Equisetum telmateia) began its return to the garden. These odd looking things are called Strobilus and are the plants way of dispersing thousands of spores, each one capable of producing a new plant.

Himalayan Blue Poppy - April 2020

Finally, on a happier note, I was delighted to see that my Himalayan Blue Poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) plants were making a comeback, after they had all but disappeared late last year.

So this week I went with Foxy Foxtrot as my Image of the Week simply because it was the prettiest flower in my garden this week...